Free Station Cash

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Yes, this is legit. I can confirm!  Free Station Cash usable in any game by Sony Online Entertainment!  To confirm that you have gained the free Station Cash, log in to your station account at

DISCLAIMER:  I do not work for Sony Online Entertainment or First Post Studios (they make the Everquest Worlds app).  Therefore I cannot provide tech support or customer service support on either of the methods described below.  I cannot credit station cash to your account and I cannot fix bugs with the Everquest Worlds app.  DO NOT SEND ME EMAILS REQUESTING TECH SUPPORT OR CUSTOMER SERVICE – I WILL NOT RESPOND.

DISCLAIMER #2:  Seriously, stop sending me emails asking me to credit your account or fix the Everquest worlds app.  Do you not read the first disclaimer?

500 Station Cash – Everquest Worlds

Info provided by Korvan and TCZapper from Ghosts of the Revolution.  Thanks!

500 Free Station Cash is available by playing Everquest Worlds on your mobile device!  Available on iTunes and Android App Market for free.

This does not appear to work for players that have Pro7 accounts.

If you have problems:

  • See the disclaimer above.
  • Restart your phone or device.
  • Shut down all applications that might be running in the background.


  • Solve the Future Echoes quest for 250 SC by scanning the pictures below.  (Photos gathered from this video.)
  • Solve the A New Beginning quest for 250 SC by liking/follow Everquest on Facebook/Twitter, post an Everquest link on Facebook, and scan the SOE Live/Everquest pictures from the same video linked above and you’re done.

New Beginnings Scan Images

First image to scan for the A New Beginning quest.

If it doesn't scan, click the image to view it full screen.
If it doesn’t scan, click the image to view it full screen.


Second image to scan for the A New Beginning quest.

If it doesn't scan, click the image to view it full screen.
If it doesn’t scan, click the image to view it full screen.


Future Echoes Scan Images











If it doesn't scan, click the image to view it full screen.
If it doesn’t scan, click the image to view it full screen.











Do you know how to get free station cash in a legitmate way?  Email Yuka.

🚀 Curious about what Star Citizen is all about? 🚀
Dive into the ultimate beginner’s guide at and start your journey among the stars!

18 Replies to “Free Station Cash”

  1. unnes

    Thanks for the tip about the free 500 SC via EQ Worlds. I used a sockpuppet facebook and twitter to like/follow what was needed, and was able to easily uninstall the Android app when done. Easy $5 saved.


    • Yuka

      Awesome! Spread the knowledge, spread the wealth! Tell everyone you know, link them here. And of course, let me know of any other free Station Cash deals you might find and I’ll update the page and give you credit!

  2. Johnny Larsen

    I tried to complete the quest new beginnings, but i am experiencing a bug with the seventh achievement.
    It tells me to enable push, which is already enabled for facebook and twitter.
    When clicking the button nothing happens.
    Any ideas?

      • Johnny Larsen

        Hmm yeah – the odd thing is that I’m on an iphone 5. ;/
        I’ve tried contacting First Post Studios support. I’ll urge others to do the same if noone has a solution for this

      • The Lone Gamers

        The Lone Gamers, nor any of the staff for The Lone Gamers are not involved in any way shape or form with the apps that the free station cash is given out from. Clone Wars is run by SOE and Everquest Worlds is indirectly run through SOE. We here at The Lone Gamers have no way to “fix the bug”. We can suggest that you get in touch with SOE and First Post Studios ( to have the issues resolved.

    • The Lone Gamers

      There is no linking required. Log in with your SOE account to Clone Wars and the Everquest Worlds app gives you a key to use to redeem the station cash.

  3. TMGMaster

    I can do the Everquest Worlds successfully but the Clone Wars doesn’t give me SC I log in but it doesn’t work. help

  4. Joseph

    The Starwars and Free realms free SC is no longer possible to get because the games have been discontinued. The app codes, however, did work. Thanks for the tips!

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