Evocati Patch 3.10.0c 5453519 Patch Notes Leak
Database Reset: YES Long Term Persistence: Enabled
USER.cfg settings: r_displaySessionInfo = 1
Note: This patch does not contain all of the intended features, which will be added iteratively to the notes as they become available. Additionally, some features may be implemented in a partial state and as such are not ready for testing. When those features reach a playable state they will be detailed on the notes and added to the “Testing Focus”. Please issue council all issues related to those in testing focus and in general gameplay.
Testing Focus
- Ship flight in and out of atmosphere
- Updated building blocks ship UI for all flyable ships.
- High speed combat changes
- Turret gameplay
- Updated Origin M50
Known Issues
- [EPILEPSY WARNING] The Players screen can appear to flip rapidly whilst QTing to Surface Locations.
- GrimHex hangar elevators currently do not function. (Workaround: Avoid Grimhex)
- Turrets around both Lawful and Unlawful UGFs are do not engage and shoot the player’s ship
- Crimes cannot be removed through the terminal after hacking.
- Player has a chance to die when spawning into PU
- Restricted areas around Lorville are not functioning properly
- Completing the sentence and using the Prison elevator spawns the character a distance away from Everus Harbor instead of in one of the station’s EZHab hub beds
- Game will crash when repairing / servicing a ship
- There is no atmosphere in Port Olisar’s Casaba Outlet / Garrity Defense / Live Fire Weapons shops
- Client will crash when attempting to charge an EMP within a ship
- The game log will be filled with Physics: Severe performance warning! when the player approaches the center of promenade.
- Player may be killed when leaving through the restricted area tunnel from the spaceport. (Workaround: Avoid Area18)
- The Area18 nav marker will appear at the central plaza, not the spaceport.
- All map markers are offset from planet surfaces
- Proximity chat audio is very quiet and low quality
- Legally landed ships may be impounded
- Both Shubin Processing Facility SPMC-14 and SPMC-3 on Calliope are missing QT Markers
- AI NPCs will stand on seats in various locations
- Multi-Tool in Klescher Prison Commissary does not come with a OreBit mining attachment
- If the player exits to menu/disconnects/crashes during the prison load screen transition their load-out will not – be changed
- Changing the operating system language while in-game leads to Interaction Mode not working
- Player may get stuck on a loading screen when leaving prison or respawning
- Player may get stuck on a prison loading screen if sent back to prison a second time without clearing their crime stat
- When going into ADS and crouching / prone you will be unable to see through the optics scope on the Arrowhead or P6-LR
- Ship targets appear when the user flight readies in 3rd person view
- Freelook does not always work properly in turrets
- Reliant remote turret hud not visible
- Turrets ignore power setting
- Players may fall out of turrets and clip through geometry when exiting them with the female model (Workaround: Avoid choosing the female model for now)
- Clicking on an empty space in the personal commodity inventory will cause the client to crash
- Turret projectiles and fixed weapon fire is slightly desynced so hits may appear to not register but do
- Gyro mode does not work on certain “underside” turrets
- Exiting a remote turret from the pilot seat will activate freelook for the pilot. Press Z to deactivate freelook to – continue normally
Feature Updates
Law System – Impounding V2
We are introducing new changes to the Impounding mechanics currently present in the game. When blocking a landing pad on a vehicle without permission, a message will appear on the visor UI of all players aboard it which includes a timer that will count down until the vehicle is impounded. Different actions that cause a ship impounding, such as pad obstruction or reckless operation of vehicle, can now have different impounding times and fines allowing, for example, light penalties for blocking pads versus harsher penalties for pad ramming.
Ships and Vehicles
ORIGIN Jumpworks M50 Improvements
Updates to the ORIGIN M50 to improve the player experience. This includes making the landing gear compressible, updates to bring it to the new damage system, cockpit improvements, and updating UI metrics to improve the pilot experience.
Aerodynamics polish pass on Sabre, Hornet, and Valkyrie ships.
Weapons and Items
- Visual polish pass on Yubarev Energy Pistol and Atzkav Sniper electron shot VFX.
- Removed 2950 Invictus paints from shops.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue causing some mission descriptions to display locations as “Destination”, “LocationAddress’ or – ‘Pickup/DropoffAddrees’ in the description.
- Lightning Bolt Co. Logo should no longer be missing when viewed in mobiGlas, on shelf, and in kisoks.
- NPC’s behind the counter constantly at Luxury Rentals and Customs should no longer flicker in and out.
- The top bunk enter animation in the Vanguard should no longer loop and cause the player to get stuck.
- DataCenter TMG-XEV-2 on microTech should no longer be missing its nav marker.
- Fixed multiple visarea issues while looking into the open side doors of the Anvil Valkyrie.
- There should no longer be NPCs missing clothing around the PU
- Ships and Vehicles will no longer hurt themselves when firing their EMP Weapons.
- Targeting markers should no longer have incorrect screen positions when using Ultrawide and other aspect ratios.
- The 2D animating decals of people walking inside Maria Pure Of Hearts in Lorville should no longer be upside down.
- Large collision blocks should no longer block players from XL hangars in New Babbage
- The FieldLite and Laser Pointer attachments should now correctly function when attached to the LBCO pistol.
- Direct call FOIP camera view should no longer cover the end call UI.
- Players should now be able to target other ships while using the Valkyrie remote turrets.
- Fixed an issue that called Physicalised bottles to spam audio effects in players habs.
- Hangar 02 in CRU-L4 rest stop should now be accessible via elevator.
- Elevators at New Babbage spaceport should now correctly transport players go to every hangar.
- Fixed 3 Client crashes
- Fixed 5 Server crashes
- Fixed a Server Deadlock
Star Citizen Leaks – discord.gg/scleaks
Source – https://pastebin.com/ZCCi8EzL
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[…] 95% complete and is still in Evocati phase of testing. The latest release, as of this post, for the Evocati was 3.10.0c which posted late […]