Star Citizen Alpha 3.10.0h Evocati Patch Notes
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Alpha Patch 3.10.0h has been released to Evocati, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.10.0-PTU.5558355.
It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\PTU.
Database Reset: YES
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
The current build is under NDA
Please monitor etf-megachat in spectrum for updates and testing instructions.
USER.cfg settings:
r_displaySessionInfo = 1
Note: This patch does not contain all of the intended features, which will be added iteratively to the notes as they become available. Additionally, some features may be implemented in a partial state and as such are not ready for testing. When those features reach a playable state they will be detailed on the notes and added to the “Testing Focus”. Please issue council all issues related to those in testing focus and in general gameplay.
Testing Focus
- Ship flight in and out of atmosphere
- Updated building blocks ship UI for all flyable ships.
- High speed combat changes
- Turret gameplay
- Origin M50 Improvements
- Electron FPS Weapons and Electron Damage
- Body Dragging
- Citizen Trading App
- Greycat Industrial ROC Mining Vehicle
- New Targeting Method
- Delivery Mission Improvements
Known Issues
- Game will crash when repairing / servicing a ship
- Quantum Markers displayed after spooling the QT drive without setting a destination will display no text
- After entering the Greycat Industrial ROC it has a chance to become nonfunctional, the interaction points can fail to work, and the player will be trapped inside
- Selecting the Drag Body option results in grabbing animation, but the body is not grabbed
- Turrets around both Lawful and Unlawful UGFs are do not engage and shoot the player’s ship
- The Area18 nav marker will appear at the central plaza, not the spaceport.
- All map markers are offset from planet surfaces
- Proximity chat audio is very quiet and low quality
- Legally landed ships may be impounded
- AI NPCs will stand on seats in various locations
- Multi-Tool in Klescher Prison Commissary does not come with a OreBit mining attachment
- If the player exits to menu/disconnects/crashes during the prison load screen transition their load-out will not be changed
- Player may get stuck on a loading screen when leaving prison or respawning
- Player may get stuck on a prison loading screen if sent back to prison a second time without clearing their crime stat
- When going into ADS and crouching / prone you will be unable to see through the optics scope on the Arrowhead or P6-LR
- Freelook does not always work properly in turrets
- Turrets ignore power setting
- Turret projectiles and fixed weapon fire is slightly desynced so hits may appear to not register but do
- Gyro mode does not work on certain “underside” turrets
- Exiting a remote turret from the pilot seat will activate freelook for the pilot. Press Z to deactivate freelook to continue normally
- Player will be unable to control the movement of Super Hornet using mouse Controls after Exiting the Remote Turret using Interaction Mode
New Features
- Gameplay
- New Targeting Method
- Fundamental changes to how targets are tracked on and off your screen with UI updates to improve the visibility of locked, tracked, and pinned targets. This includes: Unselected targets should no longer display markers around them. Automatic selection of “best” target based on your view cone, selection method is now a combination closest to center of cone, distance, and hostility. Once selected a target can be locked or pinned. Locked targets display additional targeting information (distance, ribbon trail, direction). Unlocked targets that move offscreen/outside the cone lose the selection and a new target is selected. Locked targets that move offscreen/outside the cone retain their selection. Pinned targets are displayed to all members of the ship’s channel. All states of lock/pin have different reticles to show they are different states.
- With this new targeting system there are quite a few changes to keybinds and options. Players may want to familiarize themselves with the new options in the keybinds options menu. This includes but is not limited to: Lock focused target (Tap 1), Target nearest attacker (target who has you locked, Tap 2), Pin Currently Selected Target (Tap 3), Cycling Pinned Targets Forward (Tap 4) and Back (Tap 5), Cycling Sub-Targets Forward (Tap 6) and Back (Tap 7), Resetting Sub-Target ( Tap 8 ), and Removing all pinned targets (Tap 0). Players can also pin a target to a specific place on the pinned target list by holding ALT+# or having the setting enabled for “Tap To Lock, Hold to Pin”.
- New Targeting Method
Feature Updates
- Gameplay
- Delivery Mission Improvements
- We have done an overhaul of the Delivery Missions in the game which included creating new multi-drop off delivery missions and drug running missions.
- Greatly increased the amount of medium gem deposits.
- Set gyro mode as the default for all manned and remote turrets.
- Ships and Vehicles
- Considerably increased thruster health to make them more robust to damaged effects.
- Visual updates to the design of the Boresight, PIP, and TVI.
- Added Rear side thrusters onto the Sabre Raven.
- Core Tech
- Weapon Impact sparks should now be affected by wind.
Bug Fixes
- Landing tunnels should now consistently appear when requesting landing or leaving landing zones.
- Autopilot should no longer fly the player’s ship into the ground and never release control when the player flys into a restricted area.
- Players should now be able to access Hangars 07, 08, 15, 17 or 20 via the New Babbage spaceport elevators.
- Current Balance should now show the players correct UEC on their mobiGlas when trying to purchase any item on display.
- Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause AI to not be hit by electron damage.
- New Babbage tram should no longer have overly reflective glass windows.
- The Starfarer Gemini should now be able to take off of surfaces without using afterburners.
- Fixed an issue in multiple ships where players could not use Y or WASD to get out of the top bunks.
- Greycat Industrial ROC should no longer clip female characters through the canopy when exiting the seat.
- Miles Eckhart’s appointment mission marker should no longer be 40 meters away from Eckhart’s actual location.
- Fixed an issue that could cause dead bodies to ragdoll through walls on death instead of colliding with them.
- Greycat Industrial ROC mining turret should no longer be able to be placed on other ships.
- Anvil Terrapin front left thruster should no longer be missing.
- Players should no longer T-pose when using the Vanguard Warden Engineer Station.
- Fixed 3 Client crashes
- Fixed 7 Server crashes
- Fixed a backend services crash
- Star Citizen Leaks –
- Photo Credit: u/shadyfanteck (
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