Star Citizen Roadmap Update July 2nd 2020

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3.10.0 – Q2 2020

Like last week (and the week before that and the week before that week…), 3.10 is still in Evocati and is still sitting at 99%. We saw 3.10.0g hit Evocati on June 30th followed by 3.10.0h on July 2nd. However we did see these changes via the roadmap:

  • NPC Improvements: Bartender increased to 94% from 86% from last week with 5 tasks remaining. Check out the bartender leak from yesterday along with some additional technical details.
  • New Targeting Methodology jumped up to 100% this week and is now complete. More details on what this entails were leaked along with the 3.10.0h Evocati patch notes. The Roadmap Roundup indicated this item was moved into polishing.

3.11.0 – Q3 2020

3.11 is holding steady at 16% but did see some changes.

  • Space Station – Refinery Deck decreased by 1% to 14% complete due to one additional task being added. It still has 18 tasks remaining.
  • Space Station – Cargo Deck decreased by 2% to 32% complete due to six additional tasks being added with one task being completed. It still has 26 tasks remaining.
  • Improved Throw increased by 2% to 47% with two more tasks completed but two tasks also added. It still has 27 tasks remaining.
  • Origin 100i saw an increase by 3% and sits at 39% remaining. One task on this was completed with no additional tasks added.


  • Roadmap Roundup – July 2nd, 2020
  • Photo Credit: u/shadyfanteck (
  • Roadmap Infographic Credit: u/Odysseus1992 (
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