Star Citizen Roadmap Update August 14th, 2020

Another busy week for Star Citizen fans. We got a look at the interior of the Crusader Industries Hercules StarLifter. The Esperia Talon and Esperia Talon Shrike were made available for backers to purchase. We got a look at some new visual and gameplay effects being worked on. The PTU has seen 4 patches (3.10.1, 3.10.1b, 3.10.1c, and 3.10.1d). Let’s take a closer look:

3.11.0 Q3 2020

The next major release saw a 3% overall increase to progress.

  • Space Station – Cargo Deck saw a 6% overall increase bringing it to 78% complete. It sits at 39 of 50 tasks complete. It had 3 new tasks added to it this week.
  • Improved Throw saw a 4% overall increase bringing it to 75% complete. It sits at 46 of 61 tasks complete. It had 2 new tasks added to it this week.
  • The Origin 100i saw a 12% jump this week bringing it to 69% complete. It sits at 24 of 35 tasks complete.
  • The Behring BR2 Ballistic Shotgun saw a 14% increase this week bringing it to 71% complete. It sits at 5 of 7 tasks complete.

3.12.0 Q4 2020

December’s release didn’t see any overall change but it did see some movement on tasks.

  • Station-based Refining saw an increase of 2% bringing it to 61% complete. It sits at 41 of 63 tasks complete.
  • Weapon Zeroing saw a decrease of 20% taking it down to 60% this week. It seems a task was rolled back and now sits at 3 of 5 tasks complete. Last week it was pulled out of polishing and set to 4 of 5 tasks complete.
  • The Esperia Talon and Esperia Talon Shrike were added to the 3.12.0 roadmap this week and both sit at 46% complete with 12 of 26 tasks complete.

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